How to become a sustainable city.

This is my recent article for Creative Loafing:

June 3rd, 2009 by Susan Nilon in News, Sarasota-Manatee

Eric Corey Freed is the author of Green Building & Remodeling for Dummies, an architect and representative of the nonprofit group, URBAN RE:VISION. He was recently at the Green Cities conference in Orlando talking about his vision of urban development and the project that he is the moderator for: RE:VISION Dallas.

I think every city should be looking at ways to become a sustainable city that is not “anti-growth” or “pro-growth,” but “smart growth.” Every city reinvents the wheel. When it came to their planning code, they copied someone else’s model. But instead of sharing knowledge between each city as to what works and what doesn’t work, they continue on as if they live in a vacuum.

Our measurement of growth is that you continue growing, but in nature that doesn’t happen. Animals don’t keep getting fatter and fatter until they explode… and so our cities shouldn’t. They should grow to a certain size and then stop when they are sustainable. But we haven’t done that.

To continue reading:
Creative Loafing: Interview with Eric Corey Freed